Info For
Phoenix Union High School District seeks to provide a high-quality fine arts education for all students that supports their academic, social, emotional, and creative development. This goal is achieved through a comprehensive visual and performing arts curriculum that provides a wide range of learning experiences and performance opportunities. Each day over 12,000 high school students participate in PXU Arts Courses that offer students the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers. The ultimate aim of PXU Arts is to produce graduates of high integrity who understand and appreciate the arts, and who will promote the continuing development of artistic endeavors in their communities.
The main Visual Arts Courses include Ceramics, Drawing & Painting, Explorations in Art, and Photography. There are many other offerings at individual campuses as well such as AP Art/Design, Traditional Photography, IB Art, etc.
The main Performing Arts Courses include Band, Choir, Dance, Guitar, Piano, and Theatre. There are many other offerings at individual campuses as well such as Mariachi, Orchestra, Contemporary Music, IB Music, etc.
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VAPA Courses Offered!
Center for Educational Excellence
Teaching and Learning Division
4502 N. Central Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Arts Content Specialist
Daniel B. Eaton -
Phone: 602-764-1301
Director of Student Learning
Karen Cardenas -
Phone: 602-764-1324