Exceptional Student Services
Welcome to PXU’s Exceptional Student Services
The Exceptional Student Services Department provides an array of supports, services and resources to students, families, school personnel, and community partners throughout the Phoenix Union High School District. We are committed to providing comprehensive services to help all students achieve readiness in career, college and life, including students with diverse learning needs. We are creative in our approach to helping students increase academic achievement, develop social emotional skills, foster transition service skills, and demonstrate functional performance that prepares them for life after high school.
Parents and guardians are valued partners in the educational journey of our students. We seek to actively collaborate with parents as well as outside service providers. Having everyone together (student, family, school personnel, and outside agency providers) to support the individual learner will help us make conscious decisions about the student’s strengths and needs.
Whether your student benefits from specially designed instruction and related services on an Individual Education Program, is protected on a Section 504 plan, and/or benefits from differentiation and enrichment as a Gifted learner, PXU is here for you!